Detailed, crystal-clear maps; choice of mapping styles and providers

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Fleetilla's systems are integrated with state-of-the-art mapping providers for asset-location data plotted on detailed, current, and beautifully rendered maps.



Satellite, aerial and street views

Asset locations such as fracking sites and pumping stations can be remote and may lack access by good roads. Additional context for such asset data can be established via satellite, aerial, or street views (where available).


Mapping icons for instant asset ID

To provide instant identification of asset or asset groups, Fleetilla provides a wide range of icon choices: cars, trucks, vans, boats, motorcycles, letters, numbers and more.


Define POI’s, zones of interest, geo-fences, and more for viewing against asset location information.

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Locations with special significance for your business (your warehouses, office, routine customer delivery addresses, etc.) can be defined in your own terminology for optimized map interface. Likewise, geographic areas (e.g. zones and geofences) can be defined and identified as they relate to your fleet's operations (arrival and departure, entry/exit violation, unauthorized usage, etc.) and other asset data.


fms maplayersCustom maps, map layers and choice of providers

Off-the-shelf map solutions are often limited by fixed data and may not provide map information specific to your asset-tracking needs. But with Fleetilla you can customize the mapping platform by incorporating information such as pipeline data, oil field locations, fracking sites, trailer yards, oil platforms, etc. Choose among map data providers, unique reverse geo-coding (place names), and other detail options that standard, off-the-shelf solutions simply do not offer.

Questions?   Contact or call Fleetilla at 734-995-5100