Simple, uncluttered and easy-to-use, asset management application

att orb9

Our simple, uncluttered, easy-to-use interface presents the most recent positions of all your assets. Drill down to any level of detail, from overview to a specific asset.



Dashboards provide instant snapshots of asset utilization.

FleetOrb9 Dashboard w shadow

List and compare assets by operating hours and other usage patterns.




View historical information on asset usage

att orb9 history

Evaluate usage trends for any given asset on a variety of details and conditions: cumulative movements and movement times, changes in orientation, 24-hr temperature high/low, sensor ON/OFF, and more.


Configure alerts for rules and exceptions

Define business rules and exception conditions on a variety of criteria:

att orb9 editalerts

  • exit/entry of designated areas
  • no activity reported
  • unauthorized usage

Based on preset criteria that you choose, alerts can be instantly generated and sent directly to designated personnel via email/SMS/etc.


Detailed and summary reports, useful for the whole organization

att orb9 reportsummary

Fleetilla's vehicle tracking solutions offer a variety of reports on detailed asset activity:


  • usage patterns
  • under-utilized assets
  • assets requiring maintenance based on preset criteria
  • yard check for a specific location


Choose the report format (online, excel, pdf, etc.) and have it automatically emailed to designated personnel at defined intervals.


Questions?   Contact or call Fleetilla at 734-995-5100