Identify and authorize drivers

Using the optional Driver Key Fob/iButton, identify drivers in real-time and authorize drivers to specific fleet vehicles. Collect specific operational and usage data, not just for each vehicle but for each driver.



Use driver login/logoff events to generate payroll data

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Use drivers’ logon/logoff data for payroll information. Extract data on a daily, weekly, or defined time interval suitable for payroll systems. Eliminate the need for time cards or other inputs from remotely located field personnel. Unlike standard timecards which require the employee to be present at a specific location, login/logoff can happen from anywhere and the data authenticated with vehicle activity and location.


Generate electronic logs for DOT reporting

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With optional add-ons like a keypad and J1939/OBDII interfaces, Fleetilla's solutions can generate electronic real-time driver logs. These eliminate paperwork, provide real-time visibility into HOS for dispatchers, and aid in regulatory compliance. Contact Fleetilla for more on this solution.

Questions?   Contact or call Fleetilla at 734-995-5100